Organic Dried Lemon Slices | Food Grade | Imported From Italy


Product : Organic Dried Lemon Slice

Origin : Italy

Grade : Food Grade


It is best used to

season stews, fish, soups, and vegetables

. It can also add flavor to grilled meat, baked goods, cakes and sauces. We can also add dried lemon slices to water, iced or hot tea. If you are thinking of using dried lemons, we recommend purchasing pre-prepared Dried Lemon rather than making it yourself.


3 benefits of dried / dry lemon:

1. Appetizing: by eating dried lemon, it helps as an appetizer, for those who are underweight. This is in addition to its benefits in improving the work of the digestive system,

2. Skin care: Consuming vitamin C in its natural form can help to care for the skin, build collagen, and renew dead skin cells. One of dry lemon is that it protects the skin from harmful sunlight, pollution and dust. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce wrinkles, dark spots, and open pores.

3. Helping the body to get rid of waste: The dried lemon is a natural tool to remove harmful bacteria and waste from the body, and it also works to protect the intestines from harmful bacteria because it is rich in vitamin C.


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SKU: N/A Category:

10 G, 50 G, 100 G


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