Palm Wax for Candle / Cosmetics


– Product under Wholesale, price is discounted according to quantity. Note that we pack the purchased amount together in 1 pack, no separate packing.


Palm wax is a superb material for making excellent burning candles. It resists melting in hot summer months, has high contraction (making de-molding easier), takes colors easily, holds fragrance well, and best of all, can be easily manipulated to produce an infinite array of surface patterns ranging from complex crystalline designs to smooth solid colors. Palm waxes blend well with other waxes to further expand your possibilities.


CAS: 68514-74-9

INCI :Cera Elaeis Guineensis


Physical Properties:

– Color: White

– Melt point is approximately 60 Degrees Celsius.

– Insoluble in Water



Palm wax can be used as an ingredient for making body care products such as lip balms, creams and lotions.

Used as an ingredient all on its on, palm wax will produce a candle that has a beautiful, crystallized appearance.



Candle Making:

Palm Wax when used as it is, give supper crystalline or marble effect to candle. However, users should take extra care during cooling as Palm Wax tend to be more sticky rather slightly more difficult to remove the mould, if used.


Palm Wax blends well with other vegetable and paraffin waxes. When blended with paraffin wax, it can used up to 100% especially for container filled candles and molded pillar candles.


– When melting Palm Wax it is recommended to first heat the palm wax separately to a heating temperature of 65°C to clear liquid followed by adding the already melted paraffin.

– Stir the mixture homogeneously and heat it to a final temperature of about 80°C.

– Pour the mixture hot into the moulds to obtain a smooth candle surface on de molding.

– The pouring temperature to be determined depending on the types of moulds used.


This product is of 100% vegetable origin


Palm Wax adalah lilin semula jadi yang memberi anda kesan mengkristal pada lilin siap anda.


Lilin sawit membolehkan anda membuat lilin dengan tekstur yang unik, kerana, dalam kebanyakan kes, terdapat corak penghabluran (pada tiang atau bekas) atau corak bulu (tersedia pada tiang) yang terbentuk di permukaan lilin. Lilin sawit sangat baik untuk digunakan dengan tiang, alat pemilih dan tart.


Pembuatan Lilin:

Palm Wax jika digunakan sebagaimana mestinya, berikan kesan kristal atau marmar pada lilin. Walau bagaimanapun, pengguna harus berhati-hati semasa penyejukan kerana Palm Wax cenderung lebih melekit dan sedikit lebih sukar untuk mengeluarkan acuan, jika digunakan.


Palm Wax berpadu dengan lilin sayur dan parafin yang lain. Apabila dicampur dengan lilin parafin, ia boleh digunakan hingga 100% terutama untuk lilin berisi bekas dan lilin tiang yang dibentuk.

SKU: N/A Category:

100g, Wholesale


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